Independence at Last!- August 15, 1947

I have often dreamt of this moment. I have often imagined this moment. But never did I expect it to so eloquently come while I am living. I am so fortunate to see that India has finally attained independence from the unjust rule of the British! It is news of great joy, and after embarking on a journey so great I have come to conclude that the force behind India's independence does not lie with me. All the credit goes to the people of India who have sacrificed so much, taken so many blows, and still risen out of the rubble to fight until they die. I am proud of every single Indian, and Muslim of course, that has helped me protest. I am grateful to all that have appreciated my works, my thoughts, my ideals and beliefs, and my forms of action. I hope I have not been too rash to all the people- yet I feel whatever we have done has been done for the better good of society. Today, on this bright day, August 14, 1947 we have finally achieved a state of purity, a state of freedom, and a state of equality. Our unceasing fights have finally paid off.

Yet, once again, another tragedy bothers me as I write this. Jinnah, as the talks have confirmed, is deciding to make another Pakistan. For the purpose of avoiding a civil war, I have agreed to him creating a separate nation Pakistan- solely for the purpose of no more riots and fights. This decision, I pray, will eventually help the Muslims realize that divided, we will not last too long. I wish Jinnah could just see how we could mediate the efforts between the two groups- as I have done before by my fasting. But this time matters seem out of hand once again.

Putting aside this thought- I pray for the betterment of Pakistan as well. Pakistani's should live just as equally as we do- there is simply no need for discrimination. I will therefore go to give a lecture in Pakistan and explain how we are all still the same, and now that all Muslims live in another nation, we(Hindus) should not be forgotten... We are all still equals. I still consider the Pakistani's my brothers.

I am looking forward to walking out into my free India now, as I prepare for the long journey to Pakistan tomorrow. Once again I hope for the best- good bye for now diary...

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