Returning to South Africa with Family and Helping the British During the Boer War- October 1899

I have just returned with my wife Kasturbai and three boys- back to South Africa and am willing to continue this fight for equality rights. God knows what lays ahead- but I can only so much state that I myself have never felt so much stronger. Now that my family is here, I feel resuscitated and alert. I feel more at home, and am glad to know I have others I can support and rely on. But this is a feeling that may go against myself as well- since it can be considered a portrayal of weakness; it demonstrates my insecurity fighting this battle- but I then again continue to vacillate by stating my ideas are all conjecture as of now. I must dispel this digression I have already made and revert back to the matter at hand.

Kasturbai, my wife, is doing fairly well as are my three sons. I wish to educate them at home- I do not want them exposed to different types of ideas or thoughts that may force them to make whimsical or rash decisions. Although my oldest son, Harilal, is not too obedient- I am sure it is just the teenage years that get more maverick-like; for as the body changes when the mind matures- it does indeed desire some form of independence from parents. I have begun to settle in well with my family- we have established a nice home in South Africa, walking distance to the Natal Indian Congress and as of now, all seems to be going well. I can,with certitude, claim that I have gained strength and courage to face my problems.



I have just... rushed back from... helping the wounded in the hospital. Dear diary, I have spent many days aiding the British during the Boer War but not once have I denied my necessity to do so. There is a fierce battle going on- and Britain was once my home and my family. I cannot simply desert them when their time of need comes... I also have found a particular interest for nursing. It has taken deep persuasion to convince the members of the Natal Indian Congress to help... but I believe one day we will be recognized for our unremitting efforts... Pray God to decide the rest.

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